The Dark Inertia In Us!!

4 min readNov 18, 2020

We often hear and read that world is full of energy and vibrations. But, what is the veracity of such saying? Well, when we search the truth of anything we’re not the people who have encounter anything like it yet. So the sense of belief comes with the manifestation of what we have experienced.

However, there is one thing which we incessantly deny even if we run into it. That thing is the dark side which generates a continuous chain of pessimism that fabricates a home in us. This pessimism comes with insecurities, anxieties, doubts, fear, and feeling of mistrust. We often heard of this but we don’t believe that it has the home in us too. This is called Depression, and what a strange thing to hear from your own’s larynx right?

To be very honest, it makes me uncomfortable too, and I just can’t envisage that there could be even a one percent probability of having this in me. However, I think it resides in all of us. I say this because, depression makes our brain function in a corrupted manner due to the combination of biological, psychological, and social factors that alter our neurotic activities and the way we’re fringed by the socio-economic pressure it will hit us at any moment of our lifetime.

These days we are acknowledging that during this COVID phase the problem of depression has become more prevalent, but are we really sure that people affected by this issue during lockdown are the ones who have always been mentally fit? I don’t buy this bullshit!!! Because, as I said earlier that it is in us ready to show its dark colors the moment our neurons stop believing in the power of self. As I know, it’s in me, and it has the power to make me think of the most devastating thoughts and make me devoid of firm grounds. Well, I perceive me as a person of strong will and thoughts. However, then from where does it kick in? It kicks in when I listen to people and believe that their perception of mine is right. It kicks in when I put myself in a situation when I imagine people should think right of me but they don’t. It kicks in when I expect people to comprehend me but instead, they argue me. These are the scenarios when I hit the rock bottom and this dark inertia kicks in.

The fact is, the people who face such issues, are in a constant phase of denial than acceptance. In their mind, they are resisting some or other things. They are in constant war within themselves. Evidently, this thing I observed in my mother before me. I have seen and still observing my mother constantly fighting the war of ideologies with me or my brother. In most scenarios when this war is not won, it disrupts her neurological systems and she struggles to keep herself happy, whereas, on the other hand, my dad lives more cooler life because his level of acceptance is greater than my mom’s. That makes sense right?? Now you may think that my issue could be a hereditary one, and this fact can’t be denied, but is it only hierarchical? It can’t happen to us until and unless it is in our genes? To think this, we’re acutely wrong.

So what’s the solution? What’s important to keep ourselves in control? This is a broader spectrum and thousand of factors interrelated. It can’t be explained in just a few lines, but all I can do is share what I have experienced from a few of my experiments. The first is, it’s very important to feed ourselves first before others, and this other list does include your family members and friends too. You just can’t follow the path of altruism for sake of other’s good over you, believe me, this is a start of all mess. Well, some can argue parents always show us the right path so why we should not listen to them? Well, it is always good to listen to your parents to respect your elders, or not to use drugs or to always be loving and kind. However, it is always important to maintain your individuality which gives you freedom of choice. Apart from your parent’s teaching believe in your guts too, do what your gut says because nothing knows better than your conscience that what you want. It could be the possibility that you can go wrong with your choices but if you are wise enough to learn from your fall then you will be smart enough to defeat this black inertia in you.

So overall it is very important to learn about your consciousness and this could happen if you invest yourself a little into meditative habits. Try making it a routine for at least 15–20 minutes in your life and see the change. Believe me!! when I’m out of this practice I feel I’m out of my med. So it’s worth believing what Yuval Noah Harari said, “For every dollar and every minute we invest in improving artificial intelligence, it would be wise to invest a dollar or a minute in advancing human consciousness”.

